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                                                 Q1. 小西ゼミの特徴は何でしょうか。


                                             Q2.  ゼミ生としてどのような学生を求めますか?


                                     Q3. 英語力はどの程度必要ですか。英語は選考基準でしょうか。


                                     Q4. ゼミ活動に関してどのようなゼミ活動をされますか。


                                Q5. ゼミ生の研究テーマ、卒業論文のテーマはどういったものですか。

                                               Q6. 論文の指導はどういう形で行われますか


Q7. 先生は人材育成が専門のため、就職に有利なゼミと考えても良いでしょうか。就職活動への指導などはありますか。

Q8. ゼミでは開発援助、途上国問題等を中心に学ぶのでしょうか。将来国際公務員になりたいと考えていますが、ゼミでは指導をしていただけますか。

Q9. 在学中、留学や国際貢献活動等に参加を考えていますが、ゼミを志望しても良いか。



Q1. What are the features of Konishi seminar?    

Rather than being led by teachers, we are conscious of activities that are centered around seminar students, where everyone has a role, and where everyone can make use of their areas of expertise. For this reason, we choose students with as diverse interests and experiences as possible, and strive to create an atmosphere in which seminar students can stimulate and help each other. One of the characteristics of the Konishi seminar is that the seminar students get along very well with each other. Furthermore, I would like to view career as part of the life cycle rather than a short-term perspective, and from a long-term perspective, I would like to share Konishi's experience in developing human resources both domestically and internationally with everyone in various ways. However, you don't learn just by attending classes. We place importance on the process of outputting and reflecting on the knowledge and experiences we have learned as our own results.


Q2. What kind of students do you look for as a seminar student? Students who have interests other than their own and are actively involved in various activities. Students who understand the importance of connections with people in their careers and are able to contribute responsibly to seminar activities until the end. Students who actively interact with faculty and seminar students and value teamwork.

Q3. How much English is needed? Is English a selection criterion? 
In the seminar, we actively use English literature and materials as teaching materials, and we also give presentations in English, so a certain level of English proficiency is required, but if you are interested in improving your English proficiency. No problem. English proficiency is one of the effective skills (knowledge) expected of working adults. You can improve your English skills as much as you want with your own efforts, and if you want to use English frequently in seminars, I think you should simply take a seminar with a foreign teacher.As for Konishi's seminar, you will be able to read and speak easily to some extent. There is no problem if you are at an intermediate level. Although we do not use study abroad experience or simply English test scores as criteria for selection, we do use them as references.


Q4. What kind of seminar activities are you involved in?

For basic seminar content, please refer to the undergraduate syllabus "Research Seminar I." The Konishi seminar does not have a style of passively listening to lectures, but rather students are actively involved in a variety of seminar activities beyond their grades, and the results are communicated in a variety of ways in both Japanese and English. I am. Classes include many case studies from Japan and overseas, emphasizing learning from both theory and practice. Seminar activities change every year based on the ideas of seminar students, such as a newsletter sent to the world, presentations on social business research to solve social issues, and networking events with seminar graduates. For more information, please check the Konishi Seminar website, Instagram, and faculty blog.

Q5. What are the research themes for the seminar students and the themes for the graduation thesis?
It is published on Konishi seminar HP.


Q6. How is the guidance of the thesis conducted? 

Basically, we provide individual guidance depending on the topic of individual interest. At Konishi Seminar, we believe it is important to conduct field research such as questionnaires and interviews, and to reflect in our papers the activities of using our own bodies to hear voices from the field. Common knowledge for seminar students (basic how to write a paper, field research methods, etc.) is lectured in the seminar, but guidance is also provided individually depending on the topic of individual interest. Several times a year, we ask students to give research themes and interim presentations during seminars. The advice and comments you receive from your classmates are useful for writing high-quality papers. Additionally, the number of students entering graduate school is increasing every year. For those wishing to advance to higher education, separate essay guidance will be provided. For those who wish to attend graduate school overseas in the future, we also provide support in writing essays in English.

Q7. Since the teacher specializes in human resource development, I think it is safe to assume that this seminar is advantageous for finding employment. Is there any guidance for job hunting?

As an expert in human resource development and career development, I view a career as part of a long-term flow of life, so I instruct my seminar students to think about their career choices and careers from a long-term perspective. Therefore, please understand that your first job is not your goal, but rather the start of a long career. I believe that it is not important which organization (company) you work for, but how you work. Currently, Japan's employment system is moving toward a job-based system (Western-style employment system), so the way people work and build their careers is also changing. You can learn specialized knowledge and theories that will be useful after you graduate from university through seminars using case studies from Japan and abroad. As well as input, we also need output.It is important for each seminar student to have an active and continuous learning attitude through trial and error on their own in order to have a long career after graduation. We provide individual guidance at any time for individual career counseling, and we continue to provide career counseling even after graduation. Another feature of Konishi Seminar is that it has a network of Konishi Seminar graduates that have been producing since 2010.

Q8. Will seminars focus on development assistance and developing country issues? I would like to become an international civil servant in the future. Can you give guidance in the seminar?

International civil servants are not hired as new graduates. (At least a master's degree plus several years of specialized work experience is required, so this should be considered the ultimate goal of a long-term career.) The seminar does not cover fields specific to international civil servant careers or developing country assistance. . If you aspire to become an international civil servant or work in an international cooperation position such as JICA in the future, please take Konishi's ``International Civil Service'' course (Friday 3rd period). However, many Konishi seminar students are actually interested in this field, and some graduates are studying at graduate schools in Japan and overseas with the aim of pursuing development assistance jobs in the future. In an increasingly globalized society, knowledge of international issues, SDGs, and international politics and economics will become more and more essential for working adults, so I would like to provide various opportunities and information in my seminars.

Q9. While I am studying, I am thinking of participating in study abroad and international contribution activities. Can I apply for a seminar?
It is up to the students themselves to plan and implement what kind of experience they would like to gain at university. Of course, it is okay to participate in overseas activities with a purpose, but it would be a problem if you were unable to contribute to the seminar just because you were overseas. Students must be aware of the balance between their personal career plans and their studies, including seminars, and must remember to acquire the skills they will need in the future, such as prioritization and self-management skills. Also, people don't learn just by experiencing things. It is necessary to be conscious of subsequent self-reflection and reflection (theory of experiential learning). Konishi seminar students value connections as seminar students, even if they are located all over the world. Cultivate the knowledge and experience necessary for a global career through seminar activities..

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